KVS Online Admission 2023: Important Dates,Eligibility,Age & Admission Process

The Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan (KVS) has announced the online admission process for the academic session 2023-24. The admission process will be entirely online, and interested parents can apply for their children’s admission through the KVS website. In this article, we will discuss the KVS online admission process, eligibility criteria, important dates, documents required, and other essential details.


The Ministry of Education, Government of India, created the Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan of central government schools in India. Children of government workers who are regularly transferred across India are provided with a high-quality education by KVS. Children of non-government workers are also admitted to KVS, provided that there are seats available. Parents who are interested in applying for their children’s admission can do so through the KVS website using the online application procedure that has been made public for the academic year 2023–2024.

The fact that a Kendriya Vidyalaya admission gives students a solid foundation in all courses, including science, math, and languages, is one of its main advantages. This guarantees that students are well-equipped for chances in higher education and job opportunities. Additionally, extracurricular events, that help students in discovering their talents and passions, are highly valued at Kendriya Vidyalayas.

KVS Online Admission 2023-24: Important Dates

The KVS online admission process for the academic session 2023-24 will begin from 27-March-2023, and the important dates are as follows:

Start date of online registration:27-March-2023
Last date of online registration:17-April-2023
(a) Declaration of provisional select and wait list
of registered candidates

(b) Admission of eligible candidates of selected
list in following order:
(i) RTE

(ii) From Service Priority Category (I and II)

(iii) Shortfall of Reservation Quota after
admission in (i) and (ii)above
1st list on 20.04.2023
(Admission will be from
21.04.2023 onward)
2nd list on 28.04.2023
(if seats remain vacant)
3rd list on 04.05.2023
(if seats remain vacant)
Extended date for Second Notification for Off
line registrations
for admissions to be made
under RTE Provisions, SC,ST and OBC (NCL)
if sufficient applications were not received in
Online mode.
– Notification on 03.05.2023
– Registration from
04.05.2023 (Thursday)
to 11.05.2023 (Thursday)
-Display of list and
18.05.2023 (Thursday) to
25.05.2023 (Thursday)
Registration for Class-II onward (except Class
XI) – Subject (in offline mode) to availability of
vacancies in a particular class.
03.04.2023 (Monday)
12.04.2023 (Wednesday)
Declaration of list of class II onward.17.04.2023 (Monday)
Admission for class II onwards.18.04.2023 (Tuesday)
to 29.04.2023 (Saturday
Last date of admission for all classes except
class XI.
30.06.2023 (Friday)
For KV students: Registration for admission in
class XI.
10 days after
declaration of class X results
Full Schedule For Admission DownloadDownload

Note: Please note that these dates are tentative and subject to change. Therefore, interested parents are advised to visit the KVS website regularly for the latest updates.

Overview of the KVS Online Admission Process

It is expected that the KVS online admissions procedure will start in March or April 2023 for the academic year 2023–24. The whole procedure will be carried out online, and interested parents can register by going to the KVS’s official website. Students in classes 1 through 11 will be subject to the admissions procedure.

Eligibility Criteria for KVS Online Admission

To be eligible for KVS online admission for the academic year 2023-24, students must fulfill the following criteria:

Kendriya Vidyalaya Admission 2023-24 for Class 1 Age

The minimum and maximum age limit for KVS admission 2023 in various classes is given below:

ClassesMinimum / Maximum Age as on 31st March of the Year in which admission is sought.
I6 years but less than 08 years of age.
II7 years but less than 09 years of age.
III7 years but less than 09 years of age
IV8 years but less than 10 years of age.
V9 years but less than 11 years of age
VI10 years but less than 12 years of age.
VII11 years but less than 13 years of age.
VIII12 years but less than 14 years of age.
IX13 years but less than 15 years of age
X14 years but less than 16 years of age.

Educational Qualification

  • For Class 1: The child should have completed Kindergarten or Preparatory Class.
  • For other classes: The child should have passed the previous class from a recognized school.

How to Apply for KVS Online Admission

If You are looking for Kendriya Vidyalaya Admission 2023-24 for class 1. You can follow the steps given below to apply for KVS Online Admission 2023-24 class 1 :

Step-1 : Visit the official website of KVS

Visit the official website of Kendriya Vidyalaya Sanghthan – https://kvsangathan.nic.in/, and click on the ‘Admission’ tab.

Step 2: Register

Click on the ‘New Registration’ button and fill in the required details, such as name, email ID, mobile number, etc. A registration number and password will be generated, which will be sent to the registered mobile number and email ID.

Step 3: Fill in the Application Form

Log in to the website using the registration number and password, and fill in the application form with the required details, such as the child’s name, date of birth, class for which admission is sought, etc.

Step 4: Upload Documents

Upload the necessary documents, such as the child’s birth certificate, photograph, and signature, as per the prescribed format.

Step 5: Submit the Application

After successfully verifying all the details, click on the ‘Submit’ button. A confirmation message will be displayed on the screen, and an application number will be generated. Note down the application number for future reference.

Documents Required for KVS Online Admission

The following documents are required for KVS online admission for the academic year 2023-24:

  • Birth Certificate of the Child
  • Caste Certificate (if applicable)
  • Address Proof
  • Passport Size Photograph of the Child
  • Signature of the Parent/Guardian

KVS Online Admission Selection Criteria

The admission of students for KVS online admission for the session 2023-24 will be done based on the following criteria:

  • Preference will be given to the children of transferable and non-transferable central/State government employees and army ex-servicemen.
  • The second preference  will be given to the children of transferable and non transferable employees of autonomous bodies and public sector undertakings, the Institute of Higher Learning of the Government of India.
  • The third preference will be given to the children of any other category. If the number of applications exceeds the number of available seats, a lottery system will be used to select the students.

Fee Structure for KVS Admission 2023

  • There is no fee Applicable for admission to class 1.
  • For class 2nd to class 8th, the annual fee is Rs. 1,200/-.
  • For class 9th and class 10th, the annual fee is Rs. 1,500/-.
  • For class 11th and class 12th (Science), the annual fee is Rs. 2,500/-.
  • For class 11th and class 12th (Commerce/Humanities), the annual fee is Rs. 2,000/-.

Important Link(s)

Online Admission Notice 2023-2024.Download
KVS Online Admission 2023-24 GuidelinesDownload
Admission Schedule 2023-2024Download
Online Registration For Class-I Click Here


The KVS Online Admission process for the academic year 2023-24 is a great opportunity for parents who want their children to receive quality education in a central government school. By following the eligibility criteria, the application process, and the selection criteria mentioned in this article, parents can ensure a smooth and hassle free admission process for their children.


Can I apply for KVS online admission offline?

No, the KVS online admission process is completely online. You cannot apply offline.

What is the age limit for admission to class 1?

The child should be between 5 and 7 years of age as on 31st March 2023.

What are the required documents for KVS online admission?

The required documents for KVS online admission are birth certificate of the child, caste certificate (if applicable), address proof, passport size photograph of the child, and signature of the parent/guardian.

What is the fee structure for KVS online admission?

The fee structure for KVS online admission varies from class to class. For class 1, there is no fee, and for other classes, the fee ranges from Rs. 1,200/- to Rs. 2,500/-.

How are the students selected for KVS online admission?

The selection of students for KVS online admission is done based on the preference given to the children of central/State government employees, ex-servicemen, employees of autonomous bodies and public sector undertakings, and other categories.

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