Jagananna Thodu Scheme 2021 – Application Form, Benefits & Registration

Andhra Pradesh Jagananna Thodu Scheme | Jagananna Thodu Scheme Application Form | Jagananna Thodu Scheme Benefits and Registration Process

Andhra Pradesh State Government has recently launched the Jagananna Thodu Scheme for local Street Vendors or other small business owners to help them in establishing their business and to help take loans with less interest rates. Today in this post I’ll be telling you all the details of this scheme. You will get to know the benefits of this scheme, main objectives and how to apply for this scheme if you are also a street vendor in Andhra Pradesh.

This scheme is specifically for Andhra Pradesh Street Vendor Scheme. Many people have already benefited with this scheme and the state governement has allocated 1000 crore rupees for this scheme in stage one. More help will be provided to the needy people as and when the state government of AP will feel like.

Mera Paani Meri Virasat Yojana

So let’s get into the details of this scheme and know how it works and what are the benefits of it.

jagananna thodu scheme

Jagananna Thodu Scheme 2021 Objectives

Jagananna Thodu Scheme 2021 is a very lucrative and beneficial scheme for Street Vendors. This scheme was launched by the concerned authorities of Andhra Pradesh Government by the Honorable Chief Minister Jagan Mohan Reddy. Under this scheme street vendors are provided Rupees 10,000 as working capital loan at a very low interest rates by the Andhra Pradesh state government. It will help them to live properly during the difficult times of Coronavirus Pandemic. Also they can use this capital to established their shop like before and resume their business once the pandemic situation is over.

मुख्यमंत्री अभ्युदय योजना रजिस्ट्रेशन 2021

Launch Date

This scheme was launched on 25th November 2020 by the chief minister of Andhra Pradesh Jagan Mohan Reddy. Rs. 10,000/- will be provided to local street vendors of the states with almost no interest. Around 10 lakh application have been submitted by the vendors and Rs. 1000 crore has been released by the government in the beneficiaries account till date. More and more applications are being received daily by the government. Those vendors whos applications are accepted are provided with Smart ID Card.

What is Smart ID Card ?

All those vendors and small trade owners who are eligible to receive the benefits of Jagananna Thodu Scheme and have applied for the scheme will receive a Smart ID QR based Card once their applications are verified and accepted by the officials. With the help of these Smart ID government will be able to monitor the beneficiaries. The list of all the accepted application and the name of the vendors are available online for social audit. Around 9,05,003 beneficiaries have been identified by the AP government who are eligible for this scheme. This scheme will be monitored by SERP and MEPMA officials.

If the beneficiaries repay the loan in the given time then the government will reimburse the interest component once in every three months directly to the beneficiaries bank account, making them eligible for loan again.

Who is Eligible for Jgananna Thodu Scheme ?

All Street Vendors like Vegetable sellers, fruit vendors, small shopkeepers, pushcart vendors and traditional artisans are eligible tp apply for the scheme. If someone is covered under this scheme but is eligible, they can apply through the volunteers. Once verified, they will be provided loan in a month or two. You can also dial a toll-free number 1902 to get enrolled under this scheme.

Eligibility Criteria

  • Vendor should be more than 18 years of age.
  • Family income should be less than Rs. 10,000 per month in villages and less than Rs. 12,000 in Urban Area.
  • Must have Aadhaar Card, Voter ID Card and any other identity card issued by the government.
  • Those who trade on carts on the side of the road, on footpaths, in public and private places, and those who carry goods on their heads in the Gampa are eligible.
  • Those who trade on bicycles, motorcycles and autos from one place to another are also eligible.
  • In villages and towns, those who have set up permanent or temporary shops in a space of about 5 feet in length, 5 feet in width and less are eligible for this scheme.

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How to Apply for Jagananna Thodu Scheme

  • Applicants must approach the village/ ward secretaries.
  • After processing at the Ward / Villages Secretariat, if application is approved then the District Collectors will send the applications to the banks for processing.
  • Applications will be examined and the loan will be disbursed to the beneficiaries by the banks directly transferring the loan amount up to Rs.10,000 / – as requested by the beneficiaries.
  • Village and Ward Secretariat will consult with the bankers and formulate the interest payment policy.

Jagananna Thodu Scheme Andhra Pradesh Toll-Free Number:

If anyonce has any issue related to the scheme then they can contact and get their issues resolved at the toll-free number – 1902

Andhra Pradesh State Government Official Website : https://www.ap.gov.in/

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